Monday, October 26, 2015

Newsletter, October 26th - 30th

Thank you to everyone that donated items for our STEAM stations and signed up to help with the Halloween party!! 


This Week:

We are celebrating Red Ribbon week this week!  Here are the scheduled spirit days.
October 26-30

Ø  Monday: Boot Day [Give a boot to drugs]Ø  Tuesday: Shades Day[My future is bright!]Ø  Wednesday: Wear Red [Red Ribbon Week]Ø  Thursday: Crazy Sock Day[Sock it to drugs]Ø  Friday: Halloween Costumes [Say Boo to drugs]

Thursday is picture make-up day.


Halloween Update:  Friday, October 30th we will be celebrating Halloween.  We are expecting the parade to begin around 1:20.  After the parade, we will be having snacks and a few fun stations.  Your child may wear their costume to school.  They may not bring weapons of any kind and masks or hats must be off while in the classroom.  Please make sure that your child is comfortable enough in their costume to make it through the day and be able to use the bathroom on their own.  The costume MUST follow school dress codes.  

Please check our sign-up genius to see how you can help!

Important Dates:
Friday, Oct. 30th Halloween Parade and Party
Friday, November 6th - NO SCHOOL
Wednesday, November 11th - NO SCHOOL
November 16-20th - MINIMUM DAYS for parent conferences
November 23rd - 27th , NO SCHOOL, Thanksgiving Break

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Newsletter, October 14-23

Sorry this is late!  This newsletter will be for this week and next week.

Please Help!We still need a few things for STEAM stations.  
  • 6 pumpkins, 5-10 lbs. each
  • old large, XL or bigger tshirts
Please email either Mrs. Johann or Mrs. Bundenthal if you can bring any of these items.

Progress Reports:  Your child brought home a progress report last week.  Please make sure that you sign the master copy and return it to your child's teacher as soon as possible.  

Accelerated Reader:  Your children are doing a wonderful job of completing their AR goals at school.  Please make sure they are also doing their 20 minutes of reading each night.  They can take quizzes for books they have read at home during their AR time at school.  They need to complete their goals by November 4th.

Halloween Update:  Friday, October 30th we will be celebrating Halloween.  We are expecting the parade to begin around 1:20.  After the parade, we will be having snacks and a few fun stations.  Your child may wear their costume to school.  They may not bring weapons of any kind and masks or hats must be off while in the classroom.  Please make sure that your child is comfortable enough in their costume to make it through the day and be able to use the bathroom on their own.  The costume MUST follow school dress codes.  

Please check our sign-up genius to see how you can help!

October's Character Trait:  Risk-taking

This week:  This week we are comparing and contrasting habitats around the world.  We will be reading non-fiction pieces and finding important information.  In grammar we have started discussing regular and irregular verbs.  We have had a great time at our new STEAM stations and are continuing our study of cycles in nature.

Great STEAM engineers building famous structures!

Sunday, October 4, 2015

Newsletter for October 5 - 9

We will be starting new STEAM stations this week.  Check this SIGN-UP GENIUS to see if you have any of these items around the house or that you could provide us.  We are also still accepting old smartphones and chargers to add to our tech toolbox.  

Last Week:  The kids went over their first math assessments to understand expectations and how to make improvements.  Reflection is always an important part of the learning process.  Each student practiced knowing the difference between common and proper nouns so they can start using capital letters appropriately in their writing.  They read myths and discovered how these folktales originated in different cultures to explain things in nature.  We have shifted to our Cycles in Nature Unit.  Knowing so much already about the life cycle of insects has allowed all the kids to transition seamlessly to our new unit.

Your teachers were at the California Science Teachers Association Conference in Sacramento Friday and all weekend learning to better facilitate learning through our new science standards.  We had lots of fun and came back with lots of new ideas.  Check out the Twitter feed in the right-hand bar to see our adventures!

This Week:  Your students will be working together in Language Arts to read and collect information from text.  They are synthesizing that information to develop ideas and write about them.  They will be exploring place value in Math and we will continue our unit on cycles with plants.  Students will be designing and testing their own pollinators using engineering practices.

Important Dates: