Sunday, May 22, 2016

Newsletter May 23rd - 26th

Mrs. Bundenthal and Mrs. Johann would love your feedback about the year.  If you have not already filled out our survey, please take a second to help us out and participate. LINK TO SURVEY

Tuesday we are asking students to bring in board games (labeled with names) to share with the class to play in the morning.

On June 2nd, we are excited to invite families to come and hang out with us and participate in some STEAM activities.  We will be starting out the morning with breakfast snacks at 8:30, followed by STEAM stations.  We would like to know how many people plan to attend, so if you can let us know by May 31st we would be grateful.  LINK TO RSVP

Our students are participating in a district writing league starting today using a great online writing program called Night Zookeeper.  Your child can access their account at home and help our school compete for total words written.  Most students have already done quite a bit of writing with the program already, so ask if they will show you what they have written!

Please take a look at our schedule for the next two weeks.  We have lots of activities happening!  Make sure your child is prepared to be outside for Field Day on Tuesday.  

Monday - 100 Mile Club Ceremony @3:15
Tuesday - Field Day, AR Ceremony @6:00 in the MPR
Wednesday - Safety Day
Thursday - STEAM Stations
Friday - NO SCHOOL

Monday - NO SCHOOL
Tuesday -  Perfect Attendance Assembly @8:30, Music Matters Assembly @6:30
Wednesday - STEAM Stations, 
Thursday - Family STEAM Day 8:30 - 11:15, 2nd Grade party 1:00-3:00

THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU, for all the wonderful cards and gifts during Teacher Appreciation Week.  We truly appreciate our kids and your families.  You have made this a wonderful year and we are grateful for all of your support.

Thursday, May 12, 2016

All About Chimpanzees

Read the article about chimpanzees and answer the questions.

Monday, April 11, 2016

Newsletter, April 10th - 15th

Hello families,
Please read this week's newsletter!  Make sure to scroll down to see the whole thing.  

Friday, April 1, 2016

How did they form?

Use the slideshow below to predict how each landform was made.  Remember what causes rock to change and make your conclusion based on evidence and what you know.

Sunday, March 6, 2016

Newsletter March 4th - 11th

STEAM Night!

Thanks to all our families for coming to our first annual Family STEAM Night.  It was such a great success and it was wonderful to see so many of our kids there having fun and using Growth Mindset!

Friday, March 4, 2016

Theseus & The Minotaur Summaries

Here are some multimedia presentations done by our 2nd graders for the Greek myth Theseus and the Minotaur.

Sunday, February 28, 2016

Newsletter February 20th - March 4th

Growth Mindset

"If parents want to give their children a gift, the best thing they can do is to teach their children to love challenges, be intrigued by mistakes, enjoy effort, and keep on learning."  -Carol Dweck

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Newsletter January 5th - 8th

Newsletter, January 5th - 8th

This Week…
We will continue working on contractions and subtraction strategies.  We are starting a unit in Language Arts focusing on Ancient Greece.  We will be studying important people in history and their traits in STEAM.

We will be practicing for our District Writing Assessment this week.  We will be taking the assessment sometime next week.

We have had a lot of cases of stomach flu going around our school.  Please make sure that if your child has symptoms that they stay home from school.  It is important that they are fever and vomit free for 24 hours before you send them back to school.  

Your child should be bringing work and important flyers home every day in their folder.  Please make sure that your child is showing you their folder every night so that you know what they are working on and you receive important school info.
We are starting new STEAM stations this week.  If anyone has small or large, aluminum coffee cans with lids, we would love to have them.  

We also need rock salt and granulated sugar.  Please send the items in if you are able to donate.
Important Dates…
  • Monday, January 18th - NO SCHOOL, Martin Luther King Jr. Day
  • Friday, January 15th - MCA 2nd cup of coffee (8:30 AM)